Kamis, 06 Desember 2012

Empek-empek Palembang

empek empek palembang
Empek-empek Palembang

Empek-empek Palembang Indonesia is one of the foods that come from the city of Palembang, South Sumatra province. empek-empek Palembang is one of the many food Palembang Indonesia's most famous and much-loved by the community.

Empek-empek palembang was very enjoyable, it is not uncommon many people from other cities had come to Palembang food just to hunt this one. In palembang own range empek-empek palembang very much. From empek-empek submarine, empek-empek lenjer, empek-empek circumstances and many more.

Empek-empek Palembang made of fish and sago with a certain ratio and usually fish the fish used is cork. But along with the development and availability of fish cork inadequate, many of which produce empek-empek palembang with mackerel fish flavor quality certainly is not inferior to fish cork.

Throughout my experience makes empek-empek palembang, it produces empek-empek palembang a savory, delicious and tender not solely because of the fish that we use, but rather to the amount of starch that we use and our diligence in making it.

I often make empek-empek palembang but the fish I use instead of cork or mackerel ago I cobain to friends and the result ... wow .. them hooked, and then I asked to them about what fish I use to generate empek-empek palembang this? As a result, they are all wrong with the fish that I use. Most think I use cork or mackerel fish.

Empek-empek palembang usually eaten with cuko. Black special sauce was very spicy. Cuko empek-empek palembang itself of every kind in Palembang. There are solid black, thick like ketchup but very spicy. Some are black, not thick, taste is also very spicy. Another Variety of cuko was colored slightly brown, the color black is not too thick, thin but very spicy.

Clear all kinds of tasty cuko my all, depending on individual tastes. If you happen to come to the city of Palembang, you'll see a lot of stalls empek-empek palembang there.

Variety is also kind, no such thing as empek-empek roast and roll. Well, if this one almost every corner of the city there are wagon-empek empek roast and roll. It was very delicious. If you are another way to Palembang do not forget the name cobain empek empek-baked and roll.

There is also a shop-empek palembang empek other already well-known to various cities like, tavern pempek Pak Raden, Pempek Noni, pempek Candy, pempek Vico, Pempek banyan, pempek survived, pempek willing to stop by, pempek scarves Virgin and many more friends . Not to again taverns empek-empek other very delicious and not very well known people from other cities but in Palembang city itself is very well known.

If our own people palembang been very selective in choosing empek-empek palembang, because our tongues are highly trained in-empek empek quality feel. Not infrequently when we tasted empek-empek palembang, we can know what fish is used and how comparisons between sago and fish. Lots of shop-empek empek palembang who has a big name in other cities, but if my friends see in her stall itself is almost not found palembang people, all the people who came from out of town.

Until today, I still recognize that empek-empek located in residential areas people palembang native descent in the city I have taste-empek empek very perfect, regions that include 26 ilir, Kuto, maimed and local Tanggo 25.24 , 23.22 ilir. Later if you have advanced and painstaking in making empek-empek palembang surely you already know what fish is used, how many comparisons of fish and if you taste empek-empek from others.

Jumat, 02 November 2012

Indonesian food

indonesian food Empek-empek palembang
Indonesian food is so much variety, because Indonesia itself has a lot of islands, about 6,000 islands with a variety of ethnic and cultural variety. With the variety of cultural and ethnic diversity produces so many of them Indonesian food.

Almost all Indonesian foods rich in flavor from the spices. Among others, such as pecans, chili, ginger, turmeric, kencur, galangal, laos, sere, brown sugar, onion and garlic. And usually followed by how to cook and tradition of each area.

Basically, there is no single form or a common form of food Indonesia. If there are foreign tourists who ask like this, of course, Indonesian people themselves confused answer. Because the Indonesian food is very diverse culture with influences of each region. For example, rice is processed into white rice, those that cultivate rice into rice oil and some rice into rice cone process. White rice, there is a process into rice cake and some process into a diamond.

White rice, consumed by the majority of western Indonesia, but the more common eastern consume corn, sago, cassava and sweet potatoes.
In southern Sumatra, people prefer rice oil for a variety of activities or events such as marriage, circumcision, or religious events. Different with Java, most people follow the tradition by serving rice cone for a variety of religious and cultural activities.

Nevertheless, there are a lot of Indonesian food was liked by most of the Indonesian people or even many well-loved by people overseas.

Call it like rendang, Indonesian foods typical of Padang, West Sumatra which is very popular almost most people with a spicy taste really delicious when eaten with white rice.

There are also pempek, typical Indonesian food from Palembang, South Sumatra are also very popular in almost all of Indonesia. Usually pempek is eaten along with black sauce called "cuko".

Or the most popular, satay, Indonesian food typical of Madura, East Java which is very popular to almost every corner of the city in Indonesia there satay stall.

And many more Indonesian food such as coto Makassar, Indonesia typical food makasar, mie aceh Aceh typical Indonesian food, Indonesian food specialties soto Betawi Jakarta, Indonesia typical of warm food jogjakarta Indonesia and thousands of other kinds of food.

What is clear, Indonesian food is rich in flavor from spices.